Saturday, November 17, 2007


24.... one of my favorite shows! With the lack of quality television here in China, I now enjoy boxed sets of shows here, and '24' is no exception.

Then I saw this yesterday and had to point out the changes we have experienced through the last 13+ years. This goes for life, loves, careers, technology, and sadly the reality of terrorism. Granted... Al Quaeda was not even a word we understood in '94. Terrorism was something that happenned only in the Middle East, but the realities of world espionage, spys and war still were 3D realities to all of us.

So... trying not to be too heavy here..... take an amusing look back to what '24' would look like in '94.


ddecardy said...

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. You make a lot of sense and give us things to think about that are worthwhile.

ddecardy said...

Technology changes so quickly. The 1994 version of "24" was exasperating to watch due to the slowness of what was happening. Where will be 10 more years?!

Anonymous said...

hilarious, Andy! Thanks for sharing!